Posted Apr 22, 2020

NAREP PRESS STATEMENT ON GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE WITH RATSA OPERATIONS We are very saddened that withing 48hrs the government was quick to lift the suspension of road service licences for the three operators which were suspended. This is a clear sign of interference by government in the operations of RATSA. We therefore want to know what interest government has in this matter because their quick action to reverse RATSA decision is very suspicious and does not in any way promote road safety. RATSA has a mandate to regulate and issue licences to these operators. If government continues with interfering with RATSA operations, more lives will be lost. They should not politicise even the safety of the people. We therefore commend the board and RATSA management for the action they took and the work they are doing to reduce these road carnages where a lot of people have lost lives. The government should therefore stop taking politics to RATSA so that they can operate independently. We are very aware that the accident is caused by an individual driver but the operator has a duty to maintain a good safety record. If we start separating a driver from operators, it will mean that drivers will behave as they wish since they are charged alone and operators will not care for peoples safety as they will know that only the drivers will be charged and they will remain operating freely. This is the reason RATSA is mandated by law to regulate both the driver and the operator and the two cannot be separated.

Issued by

Frank Sichone

Mkushi North Aspiring Candidate

21st April, 2020